This high-quality PP material American short round cover plate, equipped with dual nozzle with self-cleaning function; Button control switch function is more clear and easy to operate.
A heated toilet seat that integrates female washing, hip washing and self-cleaning, made of PP material. Nozzle self-cleaning function to better ensure health conditions, to meet the needs.
The foldable shower stool can hold up to 400 pounds and is available in a variety of colors, greatly enhancing the bathroom experience and making it more suitable for the elderly and disabled.
This wash cover set female washing, buttock washing, self-cleaning functions in one, to greatly meet people's needs. In addition, the simple installation makes it easier for people to use.
This wash cover set female washing, buttock washing, self-cleaning functions in one, to greatly meet people's needs. In addition, the simple installation makes it easier for people to use.
A heated toilet seat that integrates female washing, hip washing and self-cleaning, made of PP material. Nozzle self-cleaning function to better ensure health conditions, to meet the needs.
Our bidet attachment is adaptable, and easy to install, suitable for most toilets, versatile, adjustable water flow, unique folding nozzle to better meet people's daily needs.
The bidet attachment combines the functions of rear wash, female wash, and self-wash into one unit.Moreover, the unique mouse button adds a touch of simplicity and elegance to its overall appearance.
Our bidet attachment is adaptable, and easy to install, suitable for most toilets, versatile, adjustable water flow, unique folding nozzle to better meet people's daily needs.
Advocating the concept of environmental protection and water conservation, the Smart Toilet Gun adopts advanced water flow adjustment technology, allowing you to control the washing strength as you wish. In addition to personalised colour options, the Smart Toilet Sprayer also features a one-piece design, which is simple and generous without taking up much space.
تصميم محدثقل وداعًا لإطارات سلامة المرحاض في القفص والمشغول، توفر قضبان أمان المرحاض المدمجة هذه مساحة في الحمام مع توفير الثبات والدعم الأساسيين لكبار السن ومرضى التهاب المفاصل والمعاقين والحوامل والأفراد بعد العمليات الجراحية.درابزين آمن قابل للطييمكن تعديل مسند ذراع المرحاض بسهولة إلى 60 درجة عند عدم الاستخدام، كما أنه يدعم اليدين، وهو رائع للحمامات الضيقة.استقرار قوييمكن لقضبان أمان المرحاض هذه استيعاب ما يصل إلى 400 رطل، و200 رطل لكل مسند ذراع، ولن تنقلب بمساعدة بيد واحدة.يميل أكثر راحةلا تتدلى الذراع عند الجلوس على المرحاض، ولا حاجة للانحناء عند الاستيقاظ. إنه يسمح للمرحاض بالجلوس بشكل مريح مثل الكرسي، مع الحفاظ على وضعية جلوس مريحة ومريحة لمنع السقوط. إطار الألومنيوم خفيف الوزن والمتين مقاوم للتآكل ومثالي للاستخدام طويل الأمد.